
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
California Update: Like a Good Neighbor . . .?
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Los Angeles confronts the grim reality of a multi-year effort to clean up and rebuild after its devastating wildfires; Governor Gavin Newsom makes a big disaster-relief ask in Washington; and intrigue abounds in next year’s gubernatorial race. Hoover Institution senior fellow Lee Ohanian and distinguished policy fellow Bill Whalen, both contributors to Hoover’s California on Your Mind web channel, join Hoover senior product manager Jonathan Movroydis to reflect on a smarter approach to fire response and prevention and what the future holds for swift reconstruction and affordable property insurance. They also discuss whether former vice president Kamala Harris is a shoo-in if she runs next year to succeed Newsom, plus the contrast between how red and blue states court industries (Tennessee luring In-N-Out investment and Newsom wanting to double Sacramento’s largesse for California’s struggling film industry).
Recorded on February 26, 2025.