Friday Apr 10, 2020
Robert Service Assesses Czar Vladimir
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
That’s Vladimir as in Putin, the Russian president who intends to remain in power until at least the next decade’s end – and maybe as long as 2036 – now that Russia’s high court has deemed term limits inapplicable to his current rule. Hoover senior fellow and Russian historian Robert Service offers his thoughts on Putin’s grip on power, the role of oligarchs in maintaining that power, why Putin recently engaged in an oil price war with Saudi Arabia, as well as Putin’s regional and global ambitions.
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Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Area 45: Brady and Rivers: The State Of The Race
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Yes, that would be the presidential race, which slowed to a crawl courtesy of the COVID-19 pandemic. David Brady and Doug Rivers, Hoover Institution senior fellows and Stanford political scientists, weigh in on the state of the race – discussing what polling suggests about Joe Biden’s campaign, President Trump’s handling of the health and economic crises, and the virus’ effect on voters’ attitudes.
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Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Cochrane: Is An Economic Stimulus The Right Cure For The Coronavirus?
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Should Washington’s reaction to the economic turmoil caused by the coronavirus pandemic include a stimulus package? John Cochrane, the Hoover Institution’s Jack and Rose-Marie Anderson Senior Fellow and author of the “Grumpy Economist” blog, discusses the do’s and don’ts of Washington’s economic response to the pandemic.
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Friday Mar 06, 2020
Dave Brady: The State Of The Democratic Presidential Race . . .
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Remember all those predictions that Bernie Sanders was the Democratic front-runner and socialism was in vogue? That no longer seems the case after resounding Joe Biden wins in South Carolina and Super Tuesday states. David Brady, Hoover senior fellow emeritus and Stanford political scientist, weighs in on the state of the race – why the ground suddenly shifted in Biden’s favor.
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Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Brady And Rivers: The State Of The Presidential Race
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
After four rounds of voting in February, the Democratic presidential primaries kick into high gear with March 3’s “Super Tuesday” avalanche of 14 states, followed by votes in key swing states across America for the remainder of the month. David Brady and Doug Rivers, Hoover senior fellows and Stanford political scientists, weigh in on the state of the race and what their tracking survey reveals as the candidates scramble for support.
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Friday Feb 07, 2020
John Yoo: Impeachment’s Lessons
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Will a president of the United States ever be impeached? Was the term “high crimes and misdemeanors” clarified? Did one branch of government emerge stronger than others? What does the future hold for the FBI, FISA Court, and Special Counsels? John Yoo, a Hoover Institution fellow and UC-Berkeley law professor, discusses the legal fallout from the Trump impeachment saga.
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Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Army Lt. Gen. Charles Hooper: The Front Of The Long Grey Line
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
After 40 years of service to his country, Army Lt. Gen. Charles Hooper is one of only two members of West Point’s Class of 1979 still on active duty. He reflects on changes in the military over that span, his tours abroad, and Douglas MacArthur’s principles of “duty, honor, and country.”
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Friday Jan 31, 2020
Tom Church: The Fiscal Effects Of A Public Option
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
A schism within the field of Democratic candidates: Medicare-for-All advocates vs. supporters of a “public option” for America’s health care system – i.e., expanded Obamacare. Hoover research fellow Tom Church details the enormous fiscal impact on government and taxpayers should a politically feasible public option become law.
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Monday Jan 27, 2020
Dave Brady And Doug Rivers: The State Of The Presidential Race
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Iowans will caucus next week and the Democratic presidential field remains unsettled. David Brady and Doug Rivers, Hoover senior fellows and Stanford political scientists, weigh in on the state of the race – what their tracking survey reveals pre-Iowa, what impact Washington’s impeachment drama has had on the Democratic presidential race.
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Friday Jan 24, 2020
Richard Epstein: Do Cheaters Prosper?
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
China cheats on trade, Iran cheats on nukes, Trump cheated his way into office…or so the allegations go. And of course, there’s baseball’s cheating scandal. Richard Epstein, the Hoover Institution’s Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow and the voice behind The Libertarian and Law Talk podcasts, weighs in on the balance of virtue and rules-flaunting in modern society.
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